Gallery Visual Identity
Visual Identity
Type Design
Type Design
Oscillon Gallery
Oscilon is a Gallery that specialises in Computer Generated Art and Design. I developed the Visual Identity for it as well as a Custom Font. The font was designed using a programmable interactive grid. This means that the computer takes the data and interprets it in its way gennerating a whole new “Cryptic” font in the process. You can download the font and experiment on your own.
(No license needed, it’s on me (⌐■_■) )
Oscilon is a Gallery that specialises in Computer Generated Art and Design. I developed the Visual Identity for it as well as a Custom Font. The font was designed using a programmable interactive grid. This means that the computer takes the data and interprets it in its way gennerating a whole new “Cryptic” font in the process. You can download the font and experiment on your own.
(No license needed, it’s on me (⌐■_■) )